Abductions !!

Alien beings
enter a home prior to an abduction
Copyright ©
1998 Steve Neil
Who's on the Mothership?
Medical Procedures
Who Discovered
Alien Abductions?
Are YOU an Abductee?
The First Alien Abduction
Alien Abductions
* What
happens during an abduction.
* Who gets
abducted and why.
* The top
investigators of the abduction phenomenon.
abductions! You have probably heard about alien abductions. They have
been the subject of several movies and the popular television series
"The X-Files." It is a very complex phenomenon with many subtopics. The
subject is emotionally charged, and not any one human on this planet
has a complete understanding of all the aspects of the phenomenon.
These abductions are a very important subject because they have become
the source of much information about our alien visitors. This is a very
complicated topic, so I'll take it one step at a time.
An Overview
abductions are real, and they are occurring worldwide. In short, alien
visitors have been picking up and examining humans from all over the
planet. All indications are that the number of people being picked up
is in the millions worldwide. The patterns exhibited and the procedures
performed are in many cases exactly like the ones we use to study
wildlife and animals on our planet. Watch any nature show on television
and you will see what I mean. We catch, tag, and take fluid samples
from animals to study genetics, sociological interaction, and physical
development. However, in this case, what complicates matters is the
high level of our alien visitor's technology. Their technology is so
far advanced that it causes problems when trying to document and
understand exactly what is going on.
technology is hundreds, if not millions of years ahead of ours
Copyright ©
1999 Steve Neil
The Technology
are dealing with alien beings with technology that goes beyond our
imagination. Their technology defies our definition of physical laws.
Some of the things you are about to read are seemingly impossible, and
many of the things will simply be unbelievable or difficult comprehend.
That's OK! I am not here to convince you of anything. I am simply
sharing with you what has been reported by thousands of people around
the world.
By many accounts several of the alien races are
literally millions of years ahead of humans in technology. Think about
this. Think of what we have developed just in the last hundred years.
One hundred years ago there were no automobiles, airplanes,
televisions, or telephones. Now imagine millions of years of such
development. It's almost incomprehensible. Try this: write out a list
of all the things we have now that we didn't have when your parents
were your age. You'll be astonished!
Let's start with what a
typical abduction experience looks like. Then I'll break it down and
talk about some of the more intriguing aspects. At the end of the
chapter I'll answer some frequently asked questions.
Defining Our Terms
the purposes of the discussion about what I call abductions, I am going
to refer to the people being beamed up and examined in spaceships as
abductees. The very terms abduction and abductee imply a violation or
an act against your will, certainly something not in your best
interest. In fact this may or may not be true.
A case can and
has been made that abductees may be voluntary participants at a level
of consciousness our scientists do not yet understand. The events could
also be compared to a small child undergoing a surgical procedure in a
modern hospital. If no one were available to explain things to her, she
might easily conclude she is being punished, or at least that things
are being done to her against her will. Just something to think about.
is a term some people use instead of abductee. It is in recognition
that these experiences may not truly be abductions. This term can also
include contacts with alien beings that do not fit the abduction

may be voluntary on a subconscious level.
Copyright ©
1997 Steve Neil
I consider this a whole different
class of people. Contactees are people who claim to be in contact on an
intellectual level with beings from other worlds or dimensions. There
are many, many people around the world like this, and quite frankly,
their stories sound every bit as credible as the abductees' stories.
For the most part none of these people are attempting to make money or
gain fame with their stories and there seems to be no motivation for
them to make up such tales. The most well known contactees and their
remarkable stories are profiled in 'The Best Cases of
Encounters' on this website.
The Beginning of an
Abduction Experience
abduction experiences happen in the home or while driving a car. Makes
sense. If you want to abduct people you have to go where they are,
especially late at night. And that's usually at home in bed or driving
a car. However, and this is important, abductions can and do occur
anywhere, from hotel rooms, hospitals, prisons, in the city, and out in
the country. Forget that old stereotype that only Gomer in the
backwoods gets beamed up. A Harvard-educated CEO of a major corporation
is just as likely to be an abductee.
Abductees often feel that
an abduction experience is about to occur. They may see strange lights
in front of them or hear weird humming noises. They often feel
apprehensive for no other apparent reason. They will often simply
state, "I knew it was going to happen."

Abductions usually occur at night
©1997 Steve Neil
Usually at Night
most often late at night or in the early morning hours, the person will
see figures or small beings at the foot of the bed. If they try to run,
yell, or scream they find that they are paralyzed, except for their
eyeballs, which for some reason, they can sometimes move. Even if they
get a sound out, nobody else in the house can hear it. Everyone in the
house will have been "switched off." Not asleep, their brains and
central nervous systems will somehow have been disconnected. (More
about this later.) A spouse lying in bed next to an abductee will
appear more dead than alive.
How They Happen
The abductee
is then literally floated out of bed and out of the house, right
through solid walls, doors, and often through closed glass windows. If
they're in a car, they'll be beamed right through the roof of the car.
They will ride on a beam of pale blue light, usually accompanied by one
or more small beings. Many abductees are floated into a small craft
about thirty feet across. That craft then takes them to a larger
mothership. Sometimes the abductee is beamed a tremendous distance from
the house into the mothership. When this happens, the abductee can see
the ground, trees, and surrounding houses receding rapidly below. There
is a lot of physical evidence confirming these beamings. Abductees have
been returned to their beds with bits of leaves and branches in their
hair that could only have come from the tops of tall trees that they
brushed against while being beamed up.

often 'feel' when an experience is about to happen.
©1998 Christine 'Kesara' Dennett
of evidence, there is plenty, lots of tangible things that clearly show
that a person was physically displaced. These are not dreams or
imagination. In addition to the aforementioned tree leaves there is:
* Clothing that has been
put on backwards.
* Band aids
that have been removed and then put back in the wrong place.
Stickers that an abductee put on his body in an effort to confirm his
experiences. The sticker completely disappeared one night, only to show
up in the same place on his body a week later. Yeah, yeah, I know,
maybe it fell off in bed and stuck on him again later. No. He checked
and changed the bed sheets after it first disappeared.
* Subdermal
fluorescence left under the skin of abductees, which cannot be washed
* Full-color
images of alien faces and hands left imbedded inside the glass of
closed windows they have passed through.
Next; "Who's on The
A Remarkable 'Alien' Device
Budd Hopkins - Researcher /
Abduction Expert
David Jacobs PhD -
Researcher / Abduction Expert
Dr. John Mack M.D. - Researcher
/ AbductionExpert
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