in History

saucer near Mayan Temple
Once you know flying
saucers are real, you'll also
discover they didn't just show up yesterday. Aliens are a part of earth
history. They have been here during
entire existence. When the Roman
Empire was in
full bloom, they were there. When Columbus
crossed the Atlantic,
they were there. When
Christ was born, they were there!
 Ancient artwork depicting sailors seeing alien craft
A Little History
Let's take a little
journey back in time and look at some
ancient events through newly enlightened eyes. I'm only going to
describe a few
events, but it will be enough to give you an idea of what we're about
discuss. Noted UFO researcher John Carpenter has traveled around the
investigating ancient examples of visitations to earth by extraterrestrial
beings. Here is some of what he has uncovered.
 17th century drawing of a flying saucer appearing over Windsor castle in England
Keep this in mind: Language was completely
different in
past centuries. There were only a limited number of words
that could be used to
describe things which might be, frankly, indescribable. Try to describe
airplane using only the language available two thousand years ago and
see what I mean. In ancient times, Artwork was also used to depict
memorable events.
artifacts and structures
clearly built by advanced intelligent beings have been found at
archaeological sites around the world. Many have been carbon dated at
millions of years old. Older thatn the supposed time frame for man's
existence on our planet.
A Large Silver Disc
St. Athanasius of Alexandria,
a bishop, wrote a biography of St.
Antony in A.D. 373. In it is a section
titled "A Disc in the Desert", Here's what it says:
"Yet once more the Enemy (Satan),
seeing (Antony's) zeal and wishing to check
it, threw
in his way the form of a large silver disc of silver. Antony, understanding the deceit of
the Evil
one, stood and looked at the disc and confuted the demon in it, saying,
"Whence a disc in the desert,This is not a trodden road, and there is
track of any faring this way. And, it could not have Fallen unnoticed,
being of
huge size."
Great is the number in the air around
us, and they are
not far from us. But, there is much difference in them. It would be
long to
speak of their nature and differences, and such discourse is for others
than us.
É weaving phantoms, taking forms of
women, of beasts and
reptiles, and gigantic bodies É they pretend to prophesy and to
foretell things
to come, and to show themselves taller than the roof and as vast
phantoms to
those whom they could not beguile with thoughts."8

craft hovering over the desert
Burning Globes
In Rome
during the reign of Theodsius, A.D. 393, it was recorded that a huge
sphere accompanied by many smaller ones appeared over the fields
outside of
town. It was also recorded that the citizens basically panicked. 1
Roman writer Julius
Obsequens told of people who had seen
"burning globes" and "round shields" flying over Rome at night
and during
the day. 2
The above passage is
similar to passages appearing in The Bible that describe Alien encounters.

shaped craft
Dragons in the Sky
It was reported that
large "flame-breathing
dragons" were flying
over China
in approximately A.D. 747. The records also speak of "men in
airships" twelve hundred years before airplanes were invented! 3
Aerial Sailors
There have been many ancient
Alien sightings throughout mankind's history.
The Archbishop of
Lyons recorded that three men and a
woman were seen disembarking from an "aerial ship." A gathering crowd
panicked and began to stone the visitors. The archbishop also said that
"aerial sailors" were arriving on ships in the clouds and bedeviled
members of his church. 4
The following is a
report from the
Saxons, around A.D.
"Those watching outside in that
place, of whom many still
live to this very day, say they beheld the likeness of two large
reddish in colour, in motion above the church, and when the pagans who
outside saw this sign, they were at once thrown into confusion and,
with great fear, they began to flee from the castle." 5
On August 3, 989,
three glowing objects appeared over Japan.
objects all joined together to form one large brilliant ball in the
sky. 6
Fiery Worms
Citizens in Switzerland
in 1104 noted what
appeared to be "fiery worms" in the sky. A professor at the University
of Basil
recorded, "They flew in the
air and took away the light of the sun as if they had been clouds." 10

Saucer skims the landscape
A Flying Pan?
Ancient Japanese records
describe an "earthenware
vessel" that flew out of a mountain in the Kii Province
on October 27, 1180. This occurred about midnight and the "vessel"
left behind a luminous trail. 9
Swimming in the Air
People attending
church in 1211 at
Gravesend in Kent,
ran outside to watch a
ship in the sky that had people on it! Some of the people on the ship
"jumped off and swam in the air."
Page links:
Ancient Alien Sightings
in The Bible
in Ancient Art
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Courtesy of James Neff