Aliens In The Bible
Aliens In Archaeology Ancient Alien Sightings Aliens In Ancient Art Aliens In History
 Biblical description of alien craft
The Bible has many
references to other-worldly beings and
flying saucers. If you are a student of the Bible, you can go back and
the entire text with a new understanding. You will be astounded.
 Ancient art showing Christ on the cross with two alien craft in the background (Svetishoveli Cathedral, Mtskheta, Georgia, 17th century)

 The two images above were taken from an ancient fresco. the fresco depicts one alien craft chasing another while the pilot of the first craft looks back at the other. In the fresco, each alien craft appears on opposite sides of Christ on the cross.
Here is one remarkable
passage from the books of Infancy
and Protevangelion, taken from The Lost Books of the Bible. It actually
describes the same experience many abductees have in our times,
the aspect of everything being stopped and all surrounding people being
"switched off." (See my page on Alien Abductions.) Following is an
which happened to Joseph, just before the birth of Christ. Here is
"I looked into the air, and I saw
the clouds astonished,
and the fowls of the air stopping in the midst of their flight. And I
down towards the earth, and saw a table spread, and working people
around it, but their hands were upon the table, and they did not move
to eat.
They who had meat in their mouths did not eat. They who lifted their
hands up
to their heads did not draw them back. And they who lifted them up to
mouths did not put anything in, but all their faces were fixed upwards.
And I
beheld the sheep dispersed, and yet the sheep stood still. And the
lifted up his hand to smit them, and his hand continued up. And I
looked unto a
river, and saw the kids with their mouths close to the water, and
touching it,
but they did not drink. 26
Then a bright cloud overshadowed the
cave, and the
mid-wife said, "This day my soul is magnified, for mine eyes have seen
surprising things, and salvation is brought forth to Israel."
But on a sudden the
cloud became a bright light in the cave, so that their eyes could not
bear it.
And, behold, it was all filled with lights, greater than the light of
lamps and
candles, and greater than the light of the sun itself." 27
 Ancient artwork depicting the Baptism of Christ. Note alien craft overhead (By Aert de Gelder in 1710)
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Courtesy of James Neff