The Astronauts and Aliens

Apollo 11
astronauts on the moon. Note the lack of a blast pattern
beneath the
retro rockets on the Luna Lander vehicle in background
The Moon
Modern Aircraft
Astronauts Statements
Russian Alien
The Astronauts
"Oh, my God! You
wouldn't believe it! These babies
are huge, sir!
Enormous! I'm telling
you there are other spacecraft out
there. Lined up on the far side of the crater edge! They're on the moon
watching us!"

shaped alien craft photographed by astronaut
Glenn on February 26, 1962.
Apollo 11
What's there? Mission Control calling
Apollo 11.
Former NASA employee
Otto Binder states that the above
exchange was picked up by HAM radio operators with their own VHF
facilities that did not go through NASA's broadcasting channels. Apollo
11 was
the mission manned by Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin; both
men were the first to land on the moon July 21, 1969.

Apollo 11 Logo
They Never Said
Many people have asked about what the astronauts might
have seen when they were in space. Did they see UFOs? The astronauts
are a
unique group. They have had experiences and have been places the rest
humanity can only dream about. Over the years many astronauts have been
misquoted and have had statements attributed to them that they never
made. It
has made many of them media-shy and reluctant to discuss the topic at
 Astronaut Buzz Aldrin on Apollo 11
Here, But Not Up There
Basically, most of the astronauts deny ever seeing UFOs
while on space missions; however, they almost all admit to seeing them
doing duty as test pilots in jet planes. A list of their exact
statements is at
the end of this chapter. Stories continue to swirl around NASA and the
astronauts. One fact is clear: Astronauts are military personnel. They
have to
follow military regulations in order to keep their pensions. Many of
programs are paid for by the Department of Defense, even though NASA is
civilian agency.

photo of Buzz Aldrin on the moon was taken by Neil Armstrong.
is the phtot that former NASA scientist and researcher Richard Hoagland
says on close examination shows ruins in the background
in the face mask of Buzz Aldrin's helmet.
Stories Are True
Russian and American scientists confirm that stories
about the astronauts seeing Alien spacecraft and other strange things
are true.
Former Chief of NASA Communications Systems Maurice
Chatelain and Russian scientists say there are large geometric
structures on
the moon, as well as ruins. Russia's Luna 9 and the United States
Orbiter 2
have photographed these structures. The U.S. photos were taken by
Orbiter 2 in
1966 on November 20. The photos were of an area of the moon known as
The Sea of
Tranquility. NASA has classified hundreds of lunar photographs and has
released them, despite the fact that this action is illegal.
Checks In
There's more. These objects on the
moon are not natural
rock formations like the tower-shaped rocks in Utah and Arizona. These
artifacts; the remains of structures built by an intelligent
similar to the cliff dwellings in Mesa Verde.
scientists led by Alexander Abramov discovered
that there are large objects arranged in the same grid pattern,
distances between the objects, as the pyramids in Egypt. Richard
Hoagland, U.S.
researcher and former NASA consultant, has discovered the same thing!
Abramov has applied the Egyptian pyramid pattern called
an 'abaka', a grid of forty-nine squares, to the structures on the
moon. They
match exactly! In addition William Blair of the Boeing Institute of
Biotechnology has discovered "obelisks" on the moon that form six
isosceles triangles!

Aldrin and U.S. flag on the moon
Review the Orbiter 2
It is against the law for NASA to
classify data. So ask
for it. Citizens should demand to see the entire series of Orbiter 2
They are all numbered and in sequence. WE will know if some are missing.
Next, these are public officials. A dollar says their
salaries are higher than yours. Demand that they take a polygraph test
and a
drug screen to keep their jobs, just like the rest of us, and during
screening process, we should ask them about the missing data.
 Astronaut Neil Armstrong on Apollo 11
Eagle Has Landed
When Apollo 11 landed
on the moon, they put down in the
Sea of Tranquility. Researcher Richard Hoagland claims that his
analysis of the reflections off the space helmets of the astronauts
claims to
show ruins in the background.
Vladimir Azhazha also states that Neil Armstrong
radioed mission control that UFOs were watching them during their romp
on the

Control celebrates moon landing
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