Types of Alien Beings
 Copyright © William L. McDonald 1997
Crop Circles
10 Secrets of Alien Science
Crop Circle Gallery 2
Different Types Of Alien
* The
* The
Other Beings
The following information has been given to me by several individuals
who have been in contact with alien beings for many years, but wish to
remain anonymous at this time. As I have mentioned earlier, alien
beings don't speak. They communicate through a combination of thought,
feeling and images. This has been confirmed by world renown researcher
Linda Moulton Howe, who has been told been by U.S.
Intelligence operatives that alien beings communicate with them in
exactly this manner.
The Traders
There are beings known throughout the universe as 'The Traders.' We
humans tend to classify all alien beings as one. We sometimes refer to
alien beings as the "little gray guys with big eyes." In many cases we
are confusing these beings with the beings known as Zetas. I will tell
you more about them later.
They are not "guys". In some cases we would know them to be
androgynous. There are many things about them we have difficulty
understanding. Our science has not progressed enough to know some of
these things. I will attempt tell you about them in terms you will
For Billions of Years
Alien beings have been around for billions of our years, so long it is
almost impossible for us to comprehend. We must understand that our
years, our time, is not the same as it is for others throughout the
universe. Part of this is due to our current inability to understand
the true nature of what we call time, even within the realm of our own
solar system.
Time as we know it does not truly exist in the way we think it does. It
is simply a reference for our reality. Like a mile marker on a
roadside, it only means something in relation to another marker.
An Intelligence Guides
the Universe
These alien beings have been in existence long enough to observe the
universe and know there is an order to all things. There is a creative
intelligence that governs the universe. If you choose the word "God" so
be it. There is a connecting intelligence linking all things, big and
small, in the universe. They have observed that a distant comet or even
an exploding planet has a purpose.
The Real Birds and the
The next thought is difficult for many of us humans to accept, but the
fact is that without these beings we might not be here. They are not
our creators anymore than the bee creates the flower. But without the
bee carrying the pollen, the flower would not be. It is how all the
universe works, and not just with flowers and insects, but with
advanced sentient beings as well. So it may be with the relationship of
alien beings to humans.
They Are All One
As a group, these alien beings are not a group of individuals. They are
a group that has individuals. They are connected. There is no
singularity. What one knows, all know. Have you ever watched a large
school of fish in an aquarium? Have you ever wondered how hundreds of
them can all turn instantly in the same direction at the same time?
They are an example of being connected to a group consciousness. Each
instantly knows what all the others know. These alien beings have a
group consciousness.
The Man With No Name
Many alien beings don't have individual names the way we humans do. In
their open interactions with humans they sometimes assign themselves
individual earth-sounding names to make it easier for them to address
us. Each individual has a frequency. It is a vibration others can feel.
Humans also each have a distinct frequency. Like fingerprints, no two
are the same. We have just not trained ourselves to sense one another's
vibration. We generally rely on sight, or sound of the voice.
The Ultimate Explorers
Group consciousness has distinct advantages for exploration. If a group
goes out and does not return, they know what happened. They do not need
to send out a search party to find out what happened. They know
instantly. Distance is not a factor. Their next step would be to simply
not repeat what the first group did. This is very different from what
we, as humans, would have to do. To know this will help us understand
They Lost Their Planet
A very long time ago these 'Trader' beings discovered how to provide
enough energy to supply their entire planet from one source. They
utilized the energy of a thing our scientists refer to as a black hole.
They had the technology to "rope" a small black hole and pull it close
to their planet. They also learned that by feeding it they could
increase its energy output to give them even more energy. They began to
feed it large asteroids and small planets. However, a side effect of
feeding it was that it also grew in size and strength. As it grew it
began to devour more and more things, including things they never
Out of Control
As it grew, it began to pull their planet into it. They could not stop
it. It grew out of control. They realized it would soon devour their
planet. Right up until the last minutes they did everything they could
to try and stop this from happening. In the last moments they abandoned
our planet. Their planet was consumed and lost. They had only enough
time to save themselves. All the other life forms, plants, animals, and
other things were lost forever.
Preserve All Life
They were devastated. A life form in the universe, once lost, cannot be
replaced. They set for themselves a mission. That mission is to
preserve all life forms in the universe. Not each individual, but a
blueprint for each species, subspecies, and any mutation. That is why
they are known as the Traders: They trade life; they preserve life.
They also live by a rule: If they take something they must leave
something. That is the law of the universe. So, they don't just take
life forms, they trade one for another.
Alien beings communicate with themselves and others by what we would
call mental telepathy. In fact it is more than that. It is a sharing of
thoughts, feelings, and other levels of understanding our scientists
are not yet aware of. It will surprise you to know that many alien
beings have no written language, they don't need one. They each know
what every one of them has ever known throughout time. These beings do
have certain symbols they use and sometimes project them mentally.
Their Intentions
We, as humans, are very concerned about what the intentions of alien
beings are in visiting our planet. Many human Contactees have been told
that we have nothing to fear. They have been told that alien beings
have no weapons on their ships and they allow no one with weapons to
travel outside of their own galaxy. They have no need for weapons. They
could fly right through the center of our sun in their ships and feel
no ill effect. They can travel through time, space, and distance almost
instantly. Many other beings do have powerful energy tools, which like
a hammer or screwdriver could be used as an item of self-defense.
 Aliens come to Earth to preserve life-forms (Copyright © Christine 'Kesara' Dennett)
Their purpose for being here has very little to do with us. They are
here for their own purposes, most of which we are incapable of
understanding. They have the same level of concern for us that we have
for two-year-old children playing in a sandbox. We are unconcerned with
what games they are playing. We will occasionally look to make sure
they do not destroy the sandbox by playing with matches. Our nuclear
toys are the matches. We may destroy many individuals, if we choose,
but they will assure the continued existence of our species. They
preserve life, all life.
What They Look Like
Humans, are very visual and we want to know what alien beings look
like. Many are small compared to us, only three to five feet in height.
Some are very slender; they have no need for additional body mass. It
would simply get in the way. Their skin color ranges from gray to tan
or beige. In relation to our bodies, their heads are larger than ours.
Most of them have very little, if any, body hair. As I said earlier,
they are sometimes androgynous, neither male or female. However, some
of them can select to become either male or female at an appropriate
time. Many reptiles and birds on our planet also have this capability.
The Eyes Have It
Their eyes are larger than ours, but by now you already know this.
However, they are not as large as depicted on our television shows.
Those shows depict the eyes of the Zeta beings, which are larger than
the 'Traders'. Their eyes also have the ability to polarize light.
Ears, Nose, and Mouth
The mouths of the 'Traders' are more fully formed than the Zetas, but
still much smaller than humans. They have very small teeth and eat a
finely processed synthetic food. They have two small nostrils that
function as a nose apparatus and small openings for ears.
Hands and Feet
Their hands have four fingers, with no thumb. They have no fingernails,
but they do have little suction cups on the ends of their fingers. Two
of their fingers can extend out in a manner similar to a cat's claw.
They have thin legs and do not do much walking. They have the ability
to float along by using an antigravity technology. Many humans have
seen them do this.
How They Travel
The 'Traders' use spacecraft. They have the ability to travel between
stars almost instantly. Contactees have been told that They are the
only ones who have this technology. However, they do allow others to
travel with them. They call these other species the "Travelers." Most
of them have the ability to travel between planets, but not between
stars. Here is a simple way to understand it. These beings can focus on
a given point in space. Then they basically pull space towards them and
attach to it, like a rubber band. When they release they are instantly
in that spot. Think of space as a piece of fabric, not empty space.
Carl Sagan explains it quite well in his book and vidoetape 'COSMOS.'
To make it even simpler, try this: take a piece of paper and put an ink
dot on each end of the page. You were trained to think the shortest,
fastest way to go from point A to point B was to draw a straight line
between the points. In truth, the fastest way is to simply fold the
paper and kiss the two points together. They fold space in just this
manner and instantly jump from point to point. This is how they navigate
the universe.
"Hey, How Did That
Some of our scientists accidentally triggered this instantaneous travel
capability while trying figure out how one of the craft they recovered
worked. While standing in one place, they suddenly found themselves in
a completely different part of the room without ever having moved!
Imagine their surprise! Especially when they couldn't figure out how
they did it or what actually happened!
 Alien Mothership with departing smaller saucers (Courtesy of Jeff Neff)
Aliens have many different kinds of spacecraft. What I have to tell you
about them will take some getting used to. There are literally
thousands of spacecraft in the immediate vicinity of our planet. Many
are the 'Traders'; many belong to others, who I will tell you about
shortly. The 'Traders' have the ability to cloak their ships just like
in our Star Trek movies. They can also pop in and out of other
dimensions at will and thus disappear from our sight instantly.
Size is Important
This will also be difficult for many of us to comprehend or believe at
this time, but it has been communicated to some contactees that some
craft are the size of our moon, stretching thousands of miles across.
There are other craft ranging in size from ten miles across to several
hundred miles in diameter. These are what we call "small motherships."
There are currently over seven thousand of these craft in our solar
system right now!
There are larger "super motherships," which are over 6,000 miles in
diameter are within one light year of our solar system. With their
technology, any one of them could be here within minutes. There are
over a thousand of the super motherships within this one-light-year
distance from earth.
Flying Saucers
The craft we know as flying saucers are scout craft. They are generally
carried into a planet's atmosphere by small motherships.
 Cigar-shaped craft carrying many Flying Saucers as scout craft (Courtesy & Copyright © 2001 Jeff Neff)
Cigar-shaped Craft
These are the small motherships, long and tapered at both ends. They
generally contain eight to ten small flying saucers.
 Photographs of apparent alien mining operations on the moon
Moon Bases
Yes, there moon bases on the other side of our moon. Our space agency
NASA is fully aware of their existence. Abductees and contactees have
been 'told' that alien beings have been actively observing our earth
for over two hundred million years.
Our Emotional Body
Each of us has within us something known as an emotional body. It is a
source of untold potential. We are aware that certain countries in the
Western world tend to view this capability as a weakness. The showing
of emotions and feelings is but one small part of this ability. A hint:
WE, as humans, will never go to the stars until we value, develop, and
understand the true abilities of the emotional body within us.
The differences between the races on our planet is a source of great
anxiety to us. The differences are also used by many to generate fear
within us. Those differences between us are one of the greatest gifts
in the universe. On other planets differences are revered; on ours they
are feared. Do you know that ours is one of few planets that have
different mixes of the same type of being? A great step in preparing us
for interaction with alien beings will be for us as humans to learn to
value our differences. They are treasures.
A source of great humor to many alien beings is this: We separate races
almost exclusively by color of skin, when in fact the greatest
differences between us as humans occurs between the sexes. To any
outside observer, it would appear that men are a different race from
women, not only in terms of physiology, but in terms of completely
different societal interactions. A black male has far more in common
with a white male than the white male has in common with a white
 Many types of alien beings are often seen on alien spacecraft (Copyright © 2001 Christine 'Kesara' Dennett)
Others Travel With Them
There are many beings in the universe, more than we can possibly
imagine. It is very difficult for people who are living in a society
like ours to accept this. We have believed for so long that there were
no others, and now we are faced with a completely new reality. This
will take some adjustment on our part. But whether we accept it or not,
it is true.
The 'Traders' are the only beings who can traverse between the stars.
They do allow others to hitch a ride with them. These other beings
attach their craft to their ships as the remora attaches itself to the
shark in our oceans. These beings are also peaceful and carry no
weapons. They would not allow others to travel with them if they
attempted to carry devices of destruction. They are all here to observe
our progress. We are not ready yet to join the others, but we are ahead
of schedule, according to the 'Traders'.
The Travelers
Those who travel with the 'Traders' are known as the Travelers. They
consist of many different kinds and races of beings. There are
currently nineteen other races who have achieved Traveler status. Some
of them will be discussed in this text. They are all here with intense
and loving curiosity to observe your progress. It is an exciting event
watching our transition. A world learning it is not alone is the
equivalent to a new child being born. It is almost indescribable.
Though these alien beings have witnessed this on millions of planets,
it is still very exciting to them.
Several of the Traveler races are directly involved with monitoring and
encouraging our growth. Again, we have nothing to fear. Any Traveler
who brings harm to any sentient being will forfeit their right to
travel with the ' Traders'. Such a forfeiture is a serious loss and not
taken lightly.
A One-light-year Limit
All races are allowed to develop space travel on their own, up to a
limit of one light year. This corresponds to the distance of travel
that can be achieved when a society discovers how to use Element 115.
This limited distance is enough to explore space, but not enough to
reach other stars and invade or conduct war on other societies located
on distant planets. The 'Traders' determine when a society is advanced
enough to interact with others. At that time they allow them to attach
their craft to theirs. Unfortunately, we have not yet reached this
level, but we will.
 Female Alien being (Drawing courtesy of Christine 'Kesara' Dennett)
How They Live
As mentioned earlier, they eat small wafers made of processed vegetable
matter which contains all the essential nutrients. They sleep very
little because Their metabolism is much slower and more efficient than
that of humans. Their average life span is approximately seven hundred
earth years.
The Traveler Races Speak
They are known as Zetas because they come from the star system known to
us as Zeta-Reticulum. This is a dual star system. That is, it has two
suns instead of one, like Earth. The gravity on that world is nearly
twice that of planet Earth.
Zeta's are the ones we are most familiar with. It is their comrades
whose bodies the U.S. government has recovered from some of their
crashed scout ships. They ride along with the Traders to work with
them. We recognize them because of their large almond-shaped eyes. They
are larger than those of the Traders. Their mouths appear as mere slits
to us. Like the Traders, they do not use them to communicate. They are
the beings earth people see when they have what we call "abduction"
experiences. That is not what really they are, but it is what we call
 An Abduction experience begins (Copyright © 2001 Christine 'Kesara' Dennett)
The Abduction Experiences
The experiences you call abduction experiences they refer to as
interactions. We do not yet understand that these may be
experiences have agreed to. We may have graciously given our
permission to participate in this process. The material taken from our
bodies in most cases during these interactions amounts to less than the
amount we would lose when getting a manicure for our fingernails.
This process appears to be a DNA-transfer technology. Apparently it is
done to insure our DNA will flourish and thrive on other planets as
well as our own. As I said, they are trading life and insuring its
continued existence. They do this with great love for humans and with
thoughts of protecting our genes. They thank us, and love us for our
The Most Powerful Beings Ever Encountered
There is another reason for the "abduction" interactions. It seems that
humans, are the most powerful beings some alien beings have ever
encountered. We have abilities beyond our greatest imaginings. Some
alien races want to know how and why we have these abilities.
They have encountered no other race of beings that have them. A source
of some frustration to some of them is the fact that they cannot ask us
about them, because we do not know we have them or how to access them.
A Connection to the Ultimate Power Source
There is an energy source that runs throughout the universe and flows
through all dimensions. You may call it an energy grid, but it is so
much more than that. It seems that humans, are directly plugged into
this grid. Some alien races are not and they don't know how and why we
are linked to it. It is said that we can literally create material out
of thin air. That we are capable of moving the blocks of the Egyptian
pyramids by sheer force of will, emotion, and intent.
 Aliens want to know more about human abilities (Drawing courtesy of Christine 'Kesara' Dennett)
Emotion and Intent
These two forces, emotion and intent, appear to be the things that link
us to the ultimate universal power grid. They are under-appreciated by
us as humans. Particularly ignored is emotion. In our male-dominated
societies, emotion is looked upon as a weakness and devalued as an
attribute of the female gender of our species. These are the keys to
the magic kingdom and we don't know what to do with them. We literally
throw them away every day.
Our strongest emotion is fear. Even when we are happy, we manifest
fear: fear that the happiness will disappear. By doing this, we
literally guarantee that the happiness will disappear. This fear is so
powerful that it is one reason aliens seldom pick up humans in groups.
A group of us manifesting our fear all together would literally
vaporize them on the spot! So, they pick us up individually and
anesthetize us very quickly in order to protect themselves. The mantis
beings often help other alien beings with this task.
Anything We Want
We, as humans, can literally have anything we want. We can manifest it
by our emotions and intent. These two things link us to the universal
grid and create it for us.
Alien communication with humans is most interesting. Many humans who
have encountered aliens say they "just know" what they are saying, even
though no actual words are used. That is because they put forth a
combination of feeling/thought/images most humans are not able to
adequately describe. They have never experienced this before. When
humans 'hear' aliens, they are making subjective interpretations of
what they are feeling and think they are hearing from them. From the
alien perspective it is like trying to talk to someone who has reduced
levels of hearing. In effect, they have to shout their
feelings/thoughts/images to us. It is very exhausting, but it works
fairly well.
Fear and Secrecy
Because of this communication gap, humans will tend to hear/feel
whatever is already in their consciousness. In the United States there
is a lot of fear. People there tend to view their interactions with
aliens as violations or abductions. It may surprise you to learn that
other cultures on earth receive their experiences with aliens
completely differently. In many countries people line up and wait to be
interacted with by aliens.
The United States has fostered a high degree of secrecy and military
activity surrounding the existence of alien beings. Other humans are
threatened when certain segments of the government find out that people
know of their existence. This is not so in other countries. This is not
a criticism of the United States, just an observation and point of
Individual Interpretations
I cannot emphasize this enough: What people hear/feel from aliens is
almost exclusively each individual's interpretation. This causes humans
a lot of anxiety because we end up getting multiple versions of what
they are all about. Probably none of them are all that accurate.
It seems that humans, have an infinite capacity for love. It is our
greatest ability. At the current time it seems to be valued very little
on our planet. However, that is changing and not just by our own desire
but by forces in the universe we cannot yet begin to comprehend. Forget
about propulsion systems, they will get us nowhere. Loving yourself and
all that is around you will get you anywhere you wish to go.
A Gift
As a gift aliens have given us a little tip: Humans do not need
spaceships to travel to the stars. Most other races do. However, as
humans, have capabilities beyond our wildest dreams or imaginations.
Some of these are referred to in our religious works. We simply don't
understand the ancient language it was written in, or we have
completely misinterpreted it. In some cases, we think if in fact these
powers do exist they are reserved for the pious and what we call "holy"
The reality is everyone has these abilities already built-in. You can
learn to use them with about the same amount of effort it takes to
learn to ride a bicycle.

Mantis beings reported being seen on alien motherships. They are over 6 feet tall and are usually acommpanied by the "Gray" alien beings. (© 1997 William L. McDonald)
The Mantis Beings
Should you encounter them, do not be alarmed by their appearance. There
are many strange and wonderful forms in the universe. To us they appear
as a six-foot tall being that resembles the insect we know as a praying
mantis. Many people have seen them and have had difficulty convincing
others they exist.
In our interactions with the Zetas, many of people can recall being
"frozen" in place. This is one of the roles the Mantis beings play in
the interaction. Often during interactions with beings from other
places, humans begin to become frightened. To them it must appear that
our response is to start to run around, making loud noises. The end
result is to injure ourselves or others. In order to prevent this they
briefly paralyze us.
Contactees and abductees have been 'told' that humans are the only
beings in the universe that show their teeth when we are happy OR
angry? It is very confusing to some alien beings. Apparently, we are
known for this trait.
You might say the Mantis beings are the anesthesiologists of the
contact experience. They apparently have evolved over millions of
years. They have an organ located in their midsection which can not
only sense fear as a dog or wild animal would, but they can amplify the
fear and radiate it back to the originator. This amplified energy is
what disables our neurological system and freezes you. This is how they
prevent us from hurting ourselves. They perform this duty with great
love and care for us as humans.
 Reptilian alien being that weighs over 300 Lbs Copyright © 2001 Christine 'Kesara' Dennett
The Reptilians
There are other beings visiting our planet which resemble 6 foot tall
reptiles. Do not be surprised by their appearance. They are sentient
and very advanced in their technology. They apparently are also
contributors of certain sections of our DNA strands.
Their Purpose and Intention
These alien beings are here for many reasons, many of them beyond our
comprehension. However, you may think of these beings as Lewis and
Clark with scales. Among their greatest interest and curiosity is the
marvelous variation in the land on our planet. The view here is truly
magnificent. They have been to many worlds and there is none more
beautiful and varied than ours.
It's Alive! Alive!
What you do not know yet is this: Almost every naturally occurring
thing on our planet is alive. The earth itself is a living breathing
being. This is not just a metaphor; it is a fact! Even the rock knows
it is a rock! When you poison the environment you are poisoning a
living being. Picture yourself giving a glass of arsenic to a child. It
is what we do to our planet. Do we expect survival as a result of this
The Light
All living things emit light. This has been well-documented our
television shows about nature and strange things. With Kirlian
photography, leaves from a tree have been photographed, along with
their light pattern. Many people call these light patterns auras. The
light pattern for the entire leaf remains even after half of the leaf
is cut away and removed.
Our Science Is Lagging Behind
All living things have this light emission, humans too. Our scientists
are easily shown that a leaf has it, yet they scoff at the idea that a
human has it as well. Our traditional science teachings do poorly at
acknowledging things they can't attach a purpose to.
The Earth
The earth has light emanating from it. According to alien beings, mere
decades ago, its light was bright and had the colors of a newborn baby.
Now, its light is dim, with the colors of a human who is ninety years
old or more.
It's Up to You
How can we improve things if we don't even acknowledge aliens are here?
They are opposed to simply showing up and impacting our development.
They have much they could teach us. There is much they could do to help
the sentient being we call Earth.
They Must Be Invited
In order to assist our world, they must be invited, both by our actions
and by our consciousness. There are many in official positions on our
planet that know of their existence. They have chosen not to tell us
about them for some reason.
 Nordic Alien Biengs (Copyright ©1997 William L. McDonald)
The Nordics
There are beings that UFO researchers call the Nordic ones. They are as
human-looking as you. Apparently, they have walked our streets and we
have not noticed any difference. They are tall, six feet or more, and
have blonde hair. Both males and females wear their hair long. As you
can guess, they are gendered male and female the same as us.
Their Purpose and Intention
They are here to observe our interactions with one another and our
societies at large. There are many things about humanity which are very
intriguing. Some of the things they say, echo the words of the Traders.
Our Differences
This is the most consistent, and they feel, important, aspect about our
existence, the marvelous differences between each of us as humans.
Differences in body size, shape, and color. Differences in thought,
consciousness, and behavior. We have no idea how rare that is. They
have seen no other planet with such diversity in a single race. And we
are a single race of beings, not a group of different races, as we
often think we are.
They have told contactees that our planet is the only place where
people with no morals, who would kill another, live side by side with
those who are completely moral and would never kill another? This
apparently does not occur in other societies, on other planets.
We Fear Our Treasures
Instead of valuing our diversity, we fear it. we fight it. We teach our
children to fear and hate it. This is not a condemnation, just a
remarkable observation.
Lost in Space
Have you noticed that almost all our recent space probes and satellites
have disappeared or malfunctioned? There is a list of these very events
in this book. If you have noticed, do you really think these are all
inadvertent accidents? What are the odds of that happening?
Stay Put, For Now
We are being very politely, gently, and with loving care prevented from
traveling in space any farther than we already have. Our governments
are fully aware of the existence of extraterrestrial beings, yet they
have gone to extraordinary and unbelievable lengths to keep the truth
hidden from us.
The probes would have detected vast numbers of spacecraft circling our
planet. Though all are here in peace and carry no weapons on their
ships, the reaction of our governments would be to make every attempt
to shoot some of these craft down. They have made every effort to do so
in the past.
Like a Raindrop
We could launch every nuclear missile on our planet at one of their
ships, all at once, timed to explode at the same time, and no one
inside would even know anything had even happened. The effect would be
no more significant than a single raindrop hitting one of our cars.
Right Through the Sun
Because of their inter-dimensional capabilities, they can travel right
through the heart of stars with no effect. Our weapons are a complete
waste of human potential. We can only kill each other.
Not Every Difference is a Threat
Back to the differences. There is such immense variety and diversity in
the universe among living, sentient beings, so much so that our best
science fiction writers could not envision it. If we as humans cannot
tolerate each other for something as unnoticeable as a slight
difference in skin shading, how can we possibly recognize and value
sentient species on other worlds?
We must learn to value each other. Until we can value ourselves the
Traders will never jeopardize the existence of other species by
allowing their exposure to humans.
Some Examples
There is a being on another planet who has more sentience and wisdom
than all humankind put together. Yet, we humans, would look upon it and
see only a tree. We would most likely cut this being into pieces and
burn it for warmth.
There is another being with two heads, six legs, and a tail. It is
green in color. It lives in small herds. It has an immense brain
capability. The most complicated problems we would use a Cray and IBM
mainframe computers to solve would be mere child's play for these
beings. It can move physical objects by sheer force of mind. Based on
alien observations, we humans would put a saddle on it or try to eat it.
"If You're Real, Show Yourselves"
This is a common refrain. And who can blame you? Our inner
consciousness knows of the existence of alien beings. However, to
express this inner knowledge you already have is to expose ourselves to
ridicule and harassment by government officials.
Take the Step
We must take this risk. We must make this step. We have done so before
on many occasions against much larger odds. The establishment of the
United States as a country, the fight against Adolph Hitler, the ending
of slavery, the right to vote for women and people of color. All these
things took more effort than it would take to establish open contact
with alien beings.
Things That Are Preventing Open Contact
Some of the things preventing open contact with alien beings are as
Our fear of others, Our fear of the differences. Learn to love your
fellow man and woman. Value her differences, cherish his skin color,
see the value in all cultures. If we do these things, fear and hatred
will disappear, and no one can ever force you to that place again. You
would be shocked if you knew how little a change each individual would
have to make to bring this about.
Value Ourselves
We, as humans, devalue ourselves. We imagine that celebrities,
athletes, people with wealth, and politicians are all better than we
are. In our heart we know this is not true, yet our behavior says we
believe they are better.
What will we do when we meet beings who can travel to the stars, cure
all illness, create new life? These beings are no better than us.
However, they are concerned by how we will respond. If we stammer and
stutter over meeting an actor who can barely read his lines, we might
revere as a god one who has extreme technology. It has happened before.
This is not fair to ourselves. We, as humans, are not yet ready to meet
them openly. A shift in consciousness and learning to value ourselves
will be their cue to appear.
They have given us a hint: Although we are not yet ready to
join the other societies of the galaxies, we are ahead of schedule!
That is why all the other beings are here observing us.
Everything that happens to us is done with our permission. Even the
government secrecy surrounding the existence of aliens is done with our
permission. Nothing can be withheld from us without our permission. We
have given our permission for this. We have not yet given our
permission to meet the aliens!
We have taught our government and those around us that we believe we
have no power. We believe we are powerless and the government has
accepted our assessment.
 Flying Saucers zoom past the U.S. Capitol building in 1955
We, as humans, love big events. The Super Bowl, the Olympics, the
invasion of one country by another. It is quite amazing. During these
events, we completely lose sight of ourselves and others. That is why
the aliens do not hold a big landing event on the White House lawn.
Aliens At The White House
Russian Alien Encounters
Cattle Mutilations
Artwork courtesy of William McDonald © copyright 1997
Artwork Courtesy of Christine' Kesara' Dennett © copyright 2001 Artwork courtesy of Jeff Neff © copyright 1999
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