The Universe

The famous
'Hubble Ultra Deep Field' photo.
take the picture above, NASA intentionally looked for an area of space
that appeared to have no known
sources of light or X-ray emissions. In other words, an area that did
NOT have any stars. When they took a picture of this 'blank' area,
were astounded to find it packed, not just with stars, but with
Ten Secrets of Alien
Star Wars &
of the problems in accepting the idea of
space-traveling aliens is understanding what our traditional modern-day
scientists already confirm as being true. The universe is so large and
strange that we are simply not able to incorporate it into our everyday
experiences and thinking. Let's consider some things that may not be
Most of the Universe Is
Ninety percent of the mass in the
universe is literally
invisible to us. No light emanates from it and we cannot see it.
know it is there because they are able to measure the gravitational
pull these
invisible masses exert on visible bodies. Not only that, but if you
look at the
entire spectrum of frequencies in the universe, man's five senses can
only pick
up a very small amount of them. Think of a dog whistle: Blow as hard as
can, you won't hear a sound. The whistle is out of your limited
Distances are so great that it takes
the light from most
stars years to reach us. When we look up we can never see what is going
on now,
we can only see what has already happened.
reverse this, suppose that there are people living on
a planet circling a star in our galaxy. If they had a telescope pointed
at the
earth right now they would be seeing what you were doing in the
sixties. They
would look in and see people wearing bellbottoms! (For those of you who
weren't born in the sixties, they wouldn't see you at all!)
is a small section of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field photo.
small section alone contains 3,000 galaxies.
Much is made of the assumption that
the stars are so far
apart that no beings could travel to another star in a single lifetime.
The key
factor of course, is time. However, time is a very complex subject.
Here are
some things you can begin to think about when it comes to considering
These facts are well known by our physicists and based to a large
degree on Einstein's
Time is relative; it has nothing to do with distance. So
stop making the assumption that it will take a certain amount of time
to travel
a certain distance. The two are completely unrelated. Many alien beings
clearly stated this. It is why they are able to travel vast distances
the universe almost instantaneously.
Put two dots on opposite ends of a sheet of paper.
Traditional thinking tells you the shortest distance from one point to
other is to draw a straight line between the two. You then think you
the time it takes to go between the two points.
The shortest distance is to fold the paper until the two
points touch. This is how the aliens travel great distances without
time being
I know this sounds impossible, but time as we know it
does not really exist. Time is only a reference point, just as a mile
marker is
a reference point. Look at it this way: If there is only one marker,
what does
that mean? Nothing! But if there are two or more they actually have
They are references denoting something to you. This is well known and
acknowledged by our physicists.
Different parts of our universe have different times.
This is also a well-known and established fact. Here's an example:
Let's say
you have a twin sister. NASA gives her a ride to Jupiter where she sets
house and lives for the next ten years. Jupiter has a different day
than the
earth (the amount of time it takes for the planet to make one
revolution) and a
longer year. So at the end of the ten-year period, who's older, you or
her? You
have both lived in completely different time references.
is affected by gravity. The slight alteration in
gravity caused by changing our distance from the earth's center (such
as going
to the top of the Empire State Building) is enough to produce a
change in the flow of time!
slows as you approach the speed of light. If you
traveled in space at just below the speed of light for ten years you
would be
and appear ten years older. However, people on earth during the same
period will have experienced and aged seventy years!
Since gravity plays a role in space
travel as well as in
the flow of time, here are a few words about one of our most
natural forces. When the space shuttle takes off it goes straight up
to get through the least amount of atmosphere as quickly as possible.
When the
shuttle attains the correct orbital height, they shut down the engines
and the
shuttle simply falls. The pull of the earth's gravity causes the
shuttle to
fall in an arc. The arc of the shuttle's fall matches the curve of the
and the shuttle continues to fall endlessly.
Sky Surfing
The astronauts and the
shuttle have not escaped gravity.
When you see films of them cavorting around the cabin seemingly
weightless, it
is not because they are weightless, it is because they are falling!
Just like a
sky surfer before he opens his parachute. The astronauts are falling at
a rate
of 20,000 miles per hour!
There is a lot of
gravity up where the astronauts are. If
you could build a skyscraper up to that orbital height (about 250
miles) and
stand on the roof, you would still weigh about the same. You would not
off the roof of the building. In fact, if you jumped, you would go
Up the Coast
The astronauts in orbit are not that
far away. They are
about the same distance from earth as San Diego is from Santa Barbara,
or about
250 miles.

Allen Hynek
"I have begun to feel that there is a tendency in 20th
century science to forget that there will be a 21st century science,
and indeed
a 30th century science, from which vantage points our knowledge of the
may appear quite different than it does to us. We suffer perhaps, from
provincialism, a form of arrogance that has irritated posterity."
J. Allen Hynek

while serving as a professor at Princeton Institute, the great
physicist Albert Einstein was handing out that year's
final exam. A student stood up and blurted out, "But Professor
this is exactly the same final exam you gave us last year!" Einstein
turned and said, "Yes, you are right. It is the same exam. But, this
the answers are different!"
Folks, this
year all the answers are different for you
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