Aliens At The White House

Saucers hover over the United States Capitol in 1952
Alien Autopsy
Alien Bodies Recovered
The Roswell Aliens
Roswell Alien Crash
Flying Saucers Over Washington, D.C.
"Why don't they just land on the White House
lawn?" This is one of the most frequently asked questions when the subject
of flying saucers comes up. Well, they damn near did. Check this out. In the
first year and a half of the 1950s flying saucers were being seen on an average
of about once a day nationwide. Suddenly in June 1952 the rate doubled. Then in
mid-July the rate quadrupled. It quadrupled again a few weeks later. The rate
was now twenty-eight sightings per day, most of them by highly trained military
fighter pilots. The sightings were also being confirmed by military radar.
The White House
On July 19 and 20, 1952, eight flying saucers flew
directly over the White House, the Capitol building, and the Pentagon. They
flew over restricted airspace, and they were tracked visually from the ground.
The people in the control towers at Bolling Air Force Base, Washington National
Airport, and Andrews Air Force Base all saw them as well. The radar at all
three bases picked up the saucers as solid objects. Commercial airline pilots
saw them and so did virtually every citizen in Washington DC.
Newspaper Headlines
Military Planes coulld not catch super-fast alien flying saucers over the White House.
The saucers cruised in real slow, then accelerated to
astounding velocities over the Capitol. The nearby military bases all sent up
jet fighters to intercept the speeding disks. As soon as they showed up the
saucers literally disappeared. They simply faded away. Ten minutes after the
jets would leave the saucers would re-appear. This scenario was repeated over
and over again. These sightings were given more front-page headline coverage in
the Washington D.C. newspapers than the Democratic National Convention, which
was going on at the same time.
Fifty Flying Saucers
Then to make matters worse, the saucers left, only to
reappear one week later on July 26 and 27. Later investigations would show that
over fifty saucers flew over Washington D.C. on a single day, May 23, 1952.
The Biggest Press Conference Since World War II
The military was embarrassed by this whole thing. Not
only that, they were still concerned that we could be vulnerable to a Soviet
attack by misidentifying incoming missiles or bombers as flying saucers. A
press conference was called by Major General John Samford. It was the longest,
largest press conference since World War II had ended seven years earlier. I
mean, there was a lot of explaining to do since everybody and his neighbor saw
the saucers.
The End Result
The military ended up stating that the flying disks were
merely optical illusions caused by a weather condition known as a
"temperature inversion." This, despite confirmation of the disks by
five radar arrays all at different locations. Note that radar can only detect
metallic objects. It is impossible for radar to "see" an optical
illusion. Seventeen years later the military released a report saying that a
temperature inversion of this magnitude is literally impossible in earth's
(See copy of CIA memo dated August 14, 1952, which
discusses both the Washington D.C. sightings and the press conference in the 'Documents' section of this website)
Military Pilots Contacted
In 1997 researcher Derrel Sims located and interviewed
two of the military pilots who were sent up to intercept the flying saucers
over the White House. Both men requested anonymity; however, they told Sims
what happened and showed him copies of the original flight logs.
The pilots told Sims that immediately following the
encounter they were both called into a debriefing room along with other pilots.
Once there, they were threatened. They were told they'd better not tell anybody
about what they saw, or else.
Loyal Americans
The pilots were angry. By following orders and responding
to what may have been a danger to national security and possibly putting their own
lives in jeopardy, they were now the ones who were threatened! These were loyal
men who had pledged their lives to protect the country, and they were being
treated this way.
Resigned Commissions
The two pilots were so upset and disgusted that both
resigned their commissions and quit the military! 1 We hear stories like this over and over
again. If you ask enough people you'll hear the same thing too! You'll hear it
from loyal, hard-working, patriotic, honest men and women who were in the U.S.
Armed Forces. Even in the face of Hitler, they didn't get this kind of
treatment from their own government concerning national security.
It's time for a change! Make it happen. Let your elected
officials know that it's no longer OK to threaten citizens who know about the
existence of flying saucers.
Roswell Press Release
Alien Crash Retrievals
Alien Crash Test Dummies