Alien Government Projects
 Cover of project Blue Book documents
Alien Majestic 12 Group
Secret Alien Files
Aliens? Everybody Already Knows Roswell Alien Crash
The Projects
* Project Sign.
* Project Saucer.
* Project Grudge.
* Project Blue Book.
* Undocumented
* The Condon Report.
Well, what does any
right-thinking government bureaucrat
always do when there's a problem,
up some studies, or "Projects."
Project Sign The members of Project
Sign were the first group assigned
to study flying saucers in the U.S. military. The project was begun as
a result
of a top-secret letter written by Lt. General Nathan Twining. Twining
was the
former Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army and at the time of his letter he
was the
Chief of the Air Material Command, Air Technical Intelligence Center at
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Basically, Twining was the top dog in
the military,
particularly when it dealt with aircraft. He was the Colin Powell of
his day.
He was also in charge at Wright-Patterson Air Base, which is where the
took the crashed saucer and debris from the Roswell incident. In his
dated September 23, 1947, Twining states:
The considered opinion
of the Command concerning the
so-called "flying discs" that:
a. The phenomenon
reported is something real and not
visionary or fictitious. b. There are objects
probably approximating the shape of
a disc, of such appreciable size as to appear as large as man-made
Lt. General Nathan
Twining Top Secret letter September 23, 1947 (See a copy of this
letter in the 'Documents' section)
 General Nathan Twining
Project Sign was begun
in February 1948. It lasted one
Project Saucer/Project
Grudge On February 11, 1949,
Project Sign was officially changed
to Project Grudge. Inside the military, Project Sign had been known as
"Project Saucer." The existence of the group was leaked to the press
and the group's name was changed to "Grudge." (Secret Intelligence
Documents on the following pages refer to the "Saucer Project.")
 Project Grudge report
They're Not Dangerous;
Let's Call It Off Project Grudge was
terminated by the Air Force on
December 27, 1949. The Air Force stated that they had completed their
investigation of the UFO phenomenon. The concluding report is
Unidentified Flying
Objects, Project Grudge. Technical Report No.
Everybody just called
it "The Grudge" report. At this point the
military had determined that the
saucers themselves were not dangerous.
Project Blue Book Project Blue Book is
the most famous of the flying saucer
projects. Anyone who has looked into this subject has heard of Project
Blue Book.
In fact, the project was done for the public. At this point the
military knew
flying saucers were not dangerous; if they were, they could have and
would have
attacked us by now. And, there was no question of their superior
They were just zipping around watching man do his dance on this planet.
military was not afraid of flying saucers, but they were afraid of
flying-saucer reports!
 Project Blue Book investigative reports
This is what Project
Blue Book was for: 1. To assure the
public that the military knew what was
going on and to calm them by patiently taking reports.
2. To explain away as
many reports as possible by
claiming them to be naturally occurring phenomenon like swamp gas and
3. To use shame and
ridicule to embarrass people into not
reporting flying saucer sightings.
A Potent Technique
That Has Been Very Effective My own research has
shown that over 35 percent of the
population has seen a flying saucer and has never told their friends or
family! It appears that if you
want to keep a secret, the use of
shame, embarrassment, and ridicule is the best way.
Some People Would
Rather Die Than Be Embarrassed Physicians will tell
you that most people who have their
first heart attack do not seek treatment at the first signs because
they are
embarrassed that they may be making a big deal out of nothing. Instead,
elect to do nothing. They basically decide to die rather than risk
embarrassment. Thousands of people die needlessly every year because
they are
too embarrassed to have their rectums and colons examined. Colon cancer
more people than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. Have your parents ever
really talked to you about sex? In
graphic detail? Probably not! They are too embarrassed.
Clear Evidence So here we are
drowning in clear evidence that we are not
alone in the universe. We are being visited by other intelligent beings
(and I
don't mean microbes), and your parents are too embarrassed to look at
the facts
and talk about it. I'm
hoping you can
get a grip and do better.
Project Blue Book is
Not a Book! Project Blue Book is a
bunch of files containing over
13,000 reports of UFO and flying saucer incidents. It is not, and never
was, a
book. The files themselves are not even all located in the same place.
13,000 files are the ones that were somehow designated as Blue Book
There were over fifty thousand cases that came in during the existence
Project Blue Book that were never even catalogued. They're still
sitting in a
warehouse somewhere.
It Was Never Made
Public Although it was
supposed to be a public project the files
were never made available to the public until some years after the
ended. Project Blue Book ran from 1952 until 1969. On December 17, 1969
the Air
Force ended Project Blue Book, saying they had accounted for all the
and by the way, the Air Force was no longer interested in UFOs. The
was, of course, that no one in the government was interested in UFOs.
Interested Agencies Maybe the Air Force
wasn't interested, but everyone else
in the government was! Check out the memo cover sheet on page xx. The
is flying saucers and every branch of the military, all the
agencies, many U.S. Embassies, NATO, and the White House, they all got
a copy!
Report Number 14
 The cover from Project Blue Book's Report #14
Report #14 is the most
important part of Project Blue
Book. Almost nobody knows about it and those who do don't want to talk
it. It is the most important part of Project Blue Book because Report
completely refutes the conclusions the Air Force made about flying
saucers in
the very same Project Blue Book. It's a classic case of "Figures lie
liars figure."
Here is the data from
Project Blue Book:
Type of UFO
Radar Phen.
Information 2,409
Here are the
conclusions reached in report #14. The report says:
"All evidence and analysis
indicate that the reports of unidentified flying objects are the result
Misinterpretation of various conventional
objects. 2. A mild form of mass
hysteria. 3.
Yet, look at the
numbers above. Their own data show
two of the categories: "Hoaxes" and "Psychological"
combined equal only 1.2 percent! Combining two other
categories: "Insufficient
Information" and "Other" totals almost 40 percent! Thus by their
own data they acknowledge that almost half of all sightings are
unaccounted for
and are not conventional objects!
One more thing you
should know: this thing about
"mass hysteria." For there to be mass hysteria, the people all have
to be in close proximity with each other at the time the triggering
event is
going on. Like a rock concert, for instance. When it comes to
sightings, the people reporting them are spread all over the globe.
They are
not next to each other and their sightings occur at different times.
hysteria" is not a likely possibility.
In Conclusion The next time someone
brings up Project Blue Book, whip
out the numbers and Report #14 and be done with it. It is not just the
States, all governments worldwide are withholding information about
saucers from the public.
Undocumented Projects These basically amount
to well-founded rumors, but since
it is abundantly clear that the U.S. government has been lying to us
for over
fifty years, rumors are fair balls. However, whenever something is a
rumor or
undocumented, I will tell you up front. Including rumors is not an
intention to
mislead you. There is simply a good chance that many rumors are in fact
to the truth than the "truth" we have gotten from the government and
the military.
Information about
these projects has been leaked by
so-called government sources; however, there is no way to prove if
projects are real or not. Here
they are
for your review:
Project Gleem Started by President
Eisenhower to study UFOs. Later
became Project Aquarius.
Project Aquarius Funded by the CIA,
supposedly to gather information about
alien life forms through sightings and human encounters with aliens.
Project Sigma Created for the
purpose of establishing communications
with aliens. Supposedly a face-to-face meeting with aliens occurred in
1959 as
a result of this project.
Project Bando Designed to gather
medical information about alien races.
Project Pounce Created for evaluating
alien space technology.
Project Snowbird Established to test
flights of recovered alien
spacecraft. Supposedly, it is still going on.
 The Condon Report
The Condon Report The Condon Report was
the result of a study commissioned
by the Air Force to study UFOs. It was headed by E. U. Condon and
with a team of thirty-six people at the University of Colorado during
1967 and
1968. The report reached the conclusion that further study of UFOs was
not worthwhile.
The results were released in 1969, and the Air Force used them as a
basis to
discontinue Project Blue Book.
 Dr. Edward U. Condon
Many people were
critical of the findings of the report.
Many sightings were classified as naturally occurring phenomena, but
when looked
at more closely simply could not be accounted for. For example,
readings showing craft traveling in excess of 1,500 miles per hour were
"radar bounce-back" despite statements to the contrary by experienced
radar operators.
Roswell - The Best Evidence Alien Crash Retreivals The Roswell Aliens