Aliens in Archaeology
– Were They Here First? Aliens In Ancient Art Aliens In The Bible
Ancient Alien Sightings Aliens In History
 Flying Saucers Over Egyptian Pyramids
Ancient Mysteries Begin to Unfold
The items that follow
are not necessarily UFO-related. I
have simply included them because they are interesting and are further
that the true history of our planet has not been fully uncovered or
The Pyramids and
Sphinx of Egypt
It is now generally
acknowledged by the world's top
archaeologists that the pyramids and the Sphinx in Egypt
are at least ten thousand
years older than previously thought. Basically, what this means is that
Egyptian pharaohs did not build them!
The world's leading
expert in archaeological wind
erosion, who was based at Harvard University,
decided to
pay a visit to the Sphinx. After all, he was the world's best authority
on wind
erosion and he had never visited the most famous wind-eroded artifact.
When he
got there he found, to his shock, that the Sphinx exhibited virtually
no signs
of wind erosion. Instead, it was completely water-eroded.
When he returned to
Harvard he approached a colleague who
was a water-erosion expert. He pulled out a picture of the Sphinx,
which he had
partially covered, except for certain sections showing the eroded
stone. Thus,
his colleague would not know what the object was before he offered his
He asked the water erosion expert if he could determine what had eroded
stone. The man laughed and said, "You know as well as I that this
has been water-eroded." When he pulled away the cover to reveal that
object was indeed the Sphinx, his colleague said, "Oh, no, oh no. I'm
going to touch this with a ten-foot pole." He immediately knew the
erosion was clear evidence the Sphinx was not made by the Egyptians. 
Humans and Dinosaurs
Here is another one
nobody wants to touch. In a riverbed
in Paluxy,
archaeologists have found both
dinosaur tracks and human footprints together. Both made at the same
time. And,
not just one track, but dozens. All the tracks are the same age, about
million years old, and they were made together. From the spacing of the
footprints it is clear the ancient person was clearly tracking the
dinosaur. 35
Several scientists have said it is not possible; however, those that
say this
have never gone to visit the prints themselves.
In 1983 a report
appeared in the 'Moscow News.' The
article reported that human footprints that were 150 million years old
found in Jurassic rock next to a dinosaur footprint that had three
toes. 40.
Other fossils were
found in 1968 in Utah. There
were human footprints found
there as well, and these footprints are 440 million years old! Not only
but the feet had shoes on them! One of the footprints has an ancient
animal called a
trilobite squashed under
it. The shoe print with the trilobite in it is in perfect condition. 36
Giant Footprint
In 1912 in South Africa
a giant human-like
footprint was found in solid granite. The footprint is of a left foot
and is
approximately four feet long and eighteen centimeters deep. It is
enough to clearly show where mud had squished up between the toes. The
footprint is estimated to be about a million years old. 37
Another footprint,
almost identical to the one in South
Africa, except it is an imprint of a right
foot, has been found in Sri Lanka.
Nobody knows who or what made it.
Scientists who have seen it and dated it simply agree it is not a hoax.
Thousands of Other Artifacts
archaeologists and paleontologists around the
world have found literally thousands of artifacts clearly made by
beings that date back 200-500 million years old!
Related Page Links: Ancient Alien Sightings Aliens in the Bible Aliens in Ancient Art Aliens in History Home Page
Artwork Courtesy of James Neff