- What UFO really means.
- Flying Saucers are vehicles.
- The first Flying Saucers.
- Sizes
and shapes of Flying Saucers.
No More UFOs
A suggestion: try to
stop using the term UFO. I know this
is a tall order. UFO is part of our national vocabulary and is
ingrained in our
culture. Even on this website I use the term because it's easy to say
and write
quickly. But, whenever possible, try to use the term flying saucer or
spacecraft instead. Here are some reasons why:
UFO originally meant
Unconventional flying object, not
unidentified flying object. The military has known since the 1940s that
were intelligently piloted craft. To confirm this, simply review the
Air Force
intelligence documents from 1958, which appear in the Government
The term flying saucer
has been used in hundreds of
government and military intelligence documents precisely because they
are known
to be flying, piloted craft. A change in mind-set is needed. It is not
just a
matter of semantics; it is similar to the difference between referring
someone as a victim or a survivor.
If you saw what
appeared to be a boat several miles out
in the ocean, you would not say, "Hey, I see a UFO, an unidentified
floating object." You would make the assumption it is an example of an
intelligently piloted craft that we commonly call a boat. Whether you
actually right or wrong is beside the point. It may actually have been
a whale
or a buoy. However, you empowered yourself to make an intelligent
and committed to it. When you say this you are saying you have some
idea of
what you saw and people will generally take your assessment at face
However, when you say
you saw a UFO, you are confirming
in your own words that what you saw is unidentified; you have no idea
what you
saw, or if you saw anything at all, so why should anybody listen?
Not Clouds
Flying saucers are not
like clouds just drifting by. They
are more like cars on a freeway; they contain "people" (alien
beings) in them and they are on their way to or from a specific
Please spend some time thinking about this, since it is an important
When you fully embrace this idea you will begin to see the
phenomenon in a new light, and some more of the pieces will begin to
fall into
Commercial pilots report being paced by Alien saucers
of the Term
The first reported
modern-day sighting of flying saucers
occurred on June 24, 1947. A private pilot, Kenneth Arnold, spotted
disk-shaped objects flying in formation over the Cascade Mountains in
the state
of Washington.
Based on this sighting the term flying saucers was born. The following
July 29,
1947, Arnold
saw approximately twenty-five more alien spacecraft that flew within
hundred yards of his plane. An official CIA account of Kenneth Arnold's
sightings is included in the Government Documents section.
Keep in mind the year
these sightings occurred: 1947. In
1947 flying craft of any kind, even airplanes, were rarely seen by
citizens. In
1947 it is estimated that less than 1 percent of the American
population had
ever seen a helicopter. And, for all intents and purposes, there was no

Kenneth Arnold spotted these crescent disks in 1947
and Shapes of Flying Saucers
Besides the classic
"saucer" shape of these
alien craft, there are many other forms that have been seen by
civilians and
noted in military documents. Alien spacecraft sightings have also been reported in ancient texts as well as in the Bible. There are as many configurations of craft
as there
are shapes of cars and trucks on our planet. Here are some of the ones
most often:
or Disk-shaped Craft
These come in
different configurations and sizes. Some
have small domes or cupolas on top, and some do not. The dome
configuration can
be rounded or square. These are known to be primarily scout ships and
short-range research vehicles.
These vehicles are
generally larger than saucers. They
are known to be small mother ships containing eight to ten
saucer-shaped craft.
They are long and cylindrical with a taper at both ends; thus the name.
Huge 'Cigar' craft release smaller flying saucers
Triangle-shaped Craft
These ships are huge;
many stretch over several miles
along a single edge. These are the craft that were sighted over Belgium
in the
wave of sightings taking place there in 1989-1990. It is estimated that
over 70
percent of the entire population of Belgium
saw these craft firsthand, and as a result, Belgium
is the only country that
officially recognizes the existence of flying saucers.
Super-sized 'Triangle' ships are seen world wide
These craft are also
gigantic. They differ somewhat from
the triangle-shaped craft in that one arm of the boomerang ship is
longer than
the other. These are the sort of craft that have been seen and
videotaped by
thousands of citizens in Phoenix, Arizona
in March and April 1997.
Giant Cylinders
Very large craft, a
thousand feet or more in length
(picture a 70 story building on its side). These craft are not tapered.
Many photographs
of these have been taken. In photos they look just like a giant,
telephone pole on its side and don't look like a craft at all.
The Roswell
One of the most famous
flying saucers of all time, the Roswell craft
was not
really shaped like a flying saucer. Researcher and forensic artist Bill
McDonald has reconstructed the Roswell
alien spacecraft from several eyewitness testimonies. Bill received
confirmation from contacts he has within the U.S.
intelligence community. It was
McDonald's re-creation of the craft that the Testor Model Company used
their commercially sold scale model.

Roswell Craft hit by lightning
intelligence agency sources have stated that
Jack Northrup and Kelly Johnson, who were the founders of Northrop and
Lockheed's "Skunk Works," had direct access to the data and
configuration measurements of the Roswell spacecraft.1 It was said that
information was adapted and applied to the development of the X-33 and
aerospace shuttle planes, NASA's space shuttles, the VentureStar, U.S.
aircraft, TR-3 Black Manta.
The Roswell craft inspired a military
vehicle that looks very
much like the V-shaped Stealth aircraft the U.S.
military built years later.
Other Characteristics of
Flying Saucers
There are a few
characteristics of flying saucers that
are not generally known to the public at large. Although these
are never depicted in the movies, you should know about them.
The Wobble
Flying saucers often
wobble when they fly. It is very
pronounced at lower speeds, giving the saucer a surreal look. It is
often this
characteristic which first draws the viewer's attention.
This wobble
immediately distinguishes the flight of a
flying saucer from that of an airplane. It was the wobble that
attracted pilot
Kenneth Arnold's attention to the first saucers, which he spotted in
When a saucer is
caught on videotape, people often think
the tape is fake because of the wobble. It is reminiscent of a model
wobbling on a string like in the old Buck Rogers movies. The wobble is
to be caused by fluctuations of waves in the electromagnetic fields
that the
saucers use to overcome gravity. To imagine how it looks, think of a
boat bouncing off the water as it moves forward.
Morphing Disks
Another characteristic
of these alien craft is morphing;
that is, the shape of the saucer changes right before your eyes. Often
a saucer
will elongate and become a cigar-shaped craft. This transmutation
effect has
also been caught on videotape.
Jaime Maussan, a
reporter and investigator for a show
similar to our 60 Minutes in Mexico,
has thousands of videotapes, all from different individuals, showing
morphing capability. Maussan has collected over five thousand
videotapes of
flying saucers from the citizens of Mexico,
including many videos taken of the same craft shot at the same time
from many
different parts of Mexico City.
In Mexico,
Jaime Maussan is as well known and as well respected as Dan Rather or
Jaime Maussan has
videotapes that show over fifty flying
saucers at one time. They often hold themselves stationary while
strange designs, like some kind of array of symbols in the sky. This
isn't as
dramatic as landing on the White House lawn, but it's pretty close.
In March 1998 Jaime
told me, "Nobody in Mexico
at UFOs. Nobody. They are frequently around the volcano, which now has
strongest electromagnetic field in the world.
There have been times when all the traffic in Mexico City
was stopped, with millions of
people standing outside their cars pointing to the skies. Yet, not one
newspaper has ever carried the story."2
Hyperspace Jumps
Videotapes have also
captured what have come to be known
as "hyperspace jumps." This is when a flying saucer will jump a
distance of fifteen to twenty miles in less than one-tenth of a second.
Basically the craft is disappearing and reappearing in another location
instantly. To the viewer, from a distance it looks like a "jump."
Different Names for Flying
Flying saucers are a
world-wide phenomenon. They are
called different things in different countries. In Mexico
they are known as
"flying plates." In China
they are known as "flying woks." In many European countries they are
known as "flying shields." This term originated in ancient times and
continues in use today in Europe.
background on the origin of this term, see Section Two: UFOs In History.
Sizes of the Craft
Just as with the
shapes, there is a wide variety of
sizes. Most of the flying saucers we see are scout ships and are about
feet across. Their size is often deceiving because although there are
disks, which are also seen, they are sometimes seen at a great distance
they appear smaller than they actually are.
Some Are Huge
As I mentioned
earlier, some of these ships appearing in
our atmosphere are huge! People regularly report seeing craft several
across. A woman in Phoenix
was driving with her two sons when a boomerang craft flew over them and
over the isolated stretch of highway where they were traveling. Out of
she accelerated to over eighty-five miles per hour. One of her teenage
decided to time how long it would take them to get from beneath the
craft. He
started timing well after they had driven under the craft, and it took
just over two minutes at eighty-five miles an hour to get from under
wingspan of the ship. That makes the wingspan approximately three miles
Satellite Photos
Some of these large
craft have been caught on film by our
orbiting weather satellites. Judging by the grid on the camera lens and
the distance of the satellite's orbit, calculations show these craft to
hundreds of miles across! I have included more of these satellite photos
Section: “Watch The Skies.”
Satellite images routinely pick up Alien spacecraftEstimating Sizes
I don't know about
you, but I have difficulty gauging
sizes and distances. For instance, if someone says an object is three
feet away, I don't have a clue how far that is. On the state driving
test, the
words "stay a hundred feet behind the next vehicle" mean nothing to
me. But, I do like football, so I can gauge a hundred yards pretty
accurately. I also
get a clear picture if someone tells
me a building is ten stories tall. For some reason, it's easy for me to
Now I use the
reference of a building to help me
understand how big something is. For example, it is often reported that
saucers are about fifty feet across. Translated, this means it was as
long as a
four-story building on its side. That's pretty big. Bigger than the
words fifty
feet seem to indicate to me.
Six hundred Feet Across
We found several
military sources who have seen craft six
hundred feet across. That's a forty-five story building on its side.
Building sized spacecraftFolding Space
Just a little teaser
to whet your imagination. Aliens
beings have the ability to "fold" space. I cover this in more detail
later, but here's what this means in relation to space-craft size:
Often, the
inside of the saucer is much larger than it appears to be from the
People who have worked on recovered craft often recall doing a
double-take when
they first stick their heads inside of a flying saucer. They can't
believe it
can be that big inside and they pull their head out to look at the
outside of
the craft. They are in total disbelief. What appears to be a
thirty-foot craft
on the outside is three times that size on the inside.
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Artwork Courtesy of:
James Neff
Mark McCandlish