on The Mothership?

Many different kinds of aliens are on the Mothership
Copyright © 2000 William L. McDonald
Alien Abductions
Discovered Alien Abductions?
Different Kinds of
Alien Beings
Who's on the Mothership? Different Kinds of Alien Beings
When the abductee gets to the mothership, she may encounter an
assortment of different beings there. I know, you thought they were all
little gray guys with big eyes. Get ready. There are many, many
different kinds of alien beings in our universe. If you don't get
anything else from this book, understand that! Sources from the
intelligence community have told some researchers that covert U.S.
intelligence operatives have interfaced with at least nine different
kinds of alien beings that visit this planet. World-wide reports
indicate that as many as fifty different races of alien beings have
been here. There are also six-foot tall beings that look
exactly like a praying mantis.
There are also large (over six-feet tall) reptilian beings that look
like huge standing lizards. They have been reported worldwide. Enough
for now. Click the links for drawings and descriptions.
Alien Abduction Medical Procedures
David Jacobs, PhD
Dr. John Mack M.D.
Budd Hopkins
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