Brooklyn Bridge Abduction
 Brooklyn Bridge at night
Allagash Affair
Bentwaters RAF
Antonio Villas Boas
Belgian Triangles
The Brooklyn Bridge
Cortile" is a pseudonym Budd Hopkins used in his book 'Witnessed' to
protect the true identity of the subject of this abduction. Other names
have been used for this case and later publications say the woman's
real name is Linda Napolitano.
On November 30, 1989 about 3:00
a.m., a large flying saucer appeared over Manhattan in New York City.
Two small beings floated Linda Cortile out of her twelth-floor
apartment on a beam of light. They passed her right through a closed
glass window. (This is a common occurrence, although I don't know how
they do it.)
 Cover of 'Witnessed by Budd Hopkins
A World Class Diplomat
Sees It All
were several eyewitnesses, and the event was seen by many people at
different locations. Two of the witnesses were U.S. Secret Service
agents. They were escorting the Secretary General of the United
Nations, Perez de Cuellar. The two agents and Perez de Cuellar saw the
whole thing from the Brooklyn Bridge, which they were crossing at the
time. Like many other cases of a nearby hovering UFO, the magnetic
field generated by the saucer knocked out all the electricity in the
area, including the ignition system of the Secretary General's limo.
They were a totally captive audience, along with other people on the
bridge, who began to panic and start screaming.
Water Getaway
picking up Linda Cortile, the saucer dove into the East River and
disappeared. This too, is a common occurrence. There is plenty of
evidence to show that saucers use rivers, lakes, and oceans to travel.
The U.S. Navy tracks as many saucers under water as above. Remember,
two-thirds of the earth's surface is covered with water and humans have
explored only about 5 percent of the area covered by our oceans. What
better way to travel unseen and undetected?
 Linda Napolitano
The Return
many abductees, when Linda was returned to her room she found that her
husband and son had been "switched off." This is a state of
unconsciousness that all the other people in the house are put into
when someone is abducted. The common statement made by abductees is
that the other family members look more dead than alive. It's not a
normal sleep state. Linda Cortile, recalling her return said, "I held a
mirror under the nose of my husband and my son to see if they were
Brazilian Navy Case
Gulf Breeze UFO Wave
Canary Islands Case
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