Now You Will Know That
Aliens Exist – We Are Not Alone!

Aliens – The
Things You Need To Know
Alien Beings and UFOs
The leaders of every
nation on the planet know they are
Why your friends and
family will want to know about
Aliens and UFOs.
You pulled up this
website because you either know this
or strongly suspect it's true. We're going to reward you for your
You're going to learn the ins and outs of alien beings and UFOs You
will also
learn how to explain them to others in a way that makes sense. You're
going to get some facts to back up your statements. When humanity
realizes the
fact that Aliens are real, there will be a real scramble with people
answers and information. Last, but not least, you are going to have a
real good
How To Use This Website
If you really want to
learn about Aliens, UFOs and flying
saucers, first bookmark this webpage. Then come back often and read as
much as
you can. You'll know more than 99 percent of the people on the entire
about flying saucers and alien beings. You will also know more about
the true
abilities of human beings than the world's best scientists.
How Our Website is
twelve major sections, each with its own Navigation button. Each
section is
divided into several chapters. Each chapter is complete by itself. Some
chapters are longer than others, because some topics are larger or more
important than others. Almost every chapter will direct you to where
you can
get additional information about the topic. Our website is thoroughly
cross-referenced and offers easy access to related items of
information. Some of
the things on our website are repeated. When you see this, I didn't
goof; It's
simply something that is so important, it is related to more than one
The combined topic of
Aliens and their
spacecraft(UFOs/Flying Saucers)is huge. It is going to affect every
aspect of
humanity. To cover everything in its entirety would take a hundred
This is the one to start with.
You can also click on
the ‘Author’ button to learn a
little about my background and how I came to know about the existence
of Aliens
and UFOs.
Public Opinion
You are not alone. A
CNN poll taken in 1997 showed
72 percent of the American public believes the U.S. government knows
more about
aliens and UFOs than they are telling us. A 2002 Roper poll showed that
74% of
the public confirmed that they are at least somewhat psychologically
for any official government announcement regarding the discovery of
extraterrestrial life.
You are going to have
a lot of company and support as you
begin to pursue this fascinating adventure. As you will learn, leaders
world-wide are waging a losing battle to keep this information secret
hidden from the public. This issue is much larger than you ever
imagined. You
may be surprised when you discover how much other countries know about
beings and flying saucers. The dam of secrecy has a huge crack in it
and there
is going to be a major flood soon. Consider this website to be your
Fun or Fear: The
Choice is Yours
For your friends and
family, you can make the alien
reality fun, exciting, and informative. Help them prepare for this
now. If your family is anything like mine, they may panic if they are
prepared. Then the information would be sudden, shocking, and fearful.
So dig
in and get the facts.
Ignorance Is No Longer
an Option
As usual, the public
is the last to know. Not only do
world political leaders already know about aliens, but, so do leaders
in every
field, including science, education, industry, the media, even sports.
So stop
asking, 'If aliens are real, how come the media doesn't
know?' You're making the
assumption that they don't know. Well, many
of them do know! No, not your everyday, local, 5:00 p.m. newscaster.
too low on the food chain. I mean key people at the top. You will
discover more
about this as you click through my web pages.
Public ignorance of
the existence of alien beings and
UFOs is no longer an option!
- Real Alien Spacecraft Look Like This
- Flying Saucers and UFOs are Alien Spacecraft. Many of them are huge beyond belief. They have been seen by millions of people around the world.
- Aliens Are A Part of Earth History
- Aliens, UFOs and Flying Saucers have always been with us. Earth people have never been alone.This little known history will prove it.
- Ancient Alien Sightings
- A flying Alien craft came out of the inland sea on the western side of Japan in 1361 A.D. Observers described it as
- Alien Figures Appear in Old World Artifacts
- The depiction of Alien Beings in artwork and objects from ancient times has puzzled and frightened historians. Here are some excellent examples.
- Has evidence of Alien Beings been found at archaeological sites?
- Mind-blowing artifacts contradicting traditional human history have been found at archaeological sites around the world.
- Aliens and UFOs Appear in the Bible
- Some of the most detailed descxriptions of Alien craft and extraterrestrial encounters are documented in many biblical chapters.
- Thinking Like An Alien Will Make You A Better Human
- To learn the truth about Alien Beings, you have to learn a NEW way of thinking about OLD things.
- Aliens, An Author's Journey
- Alien Discovery; A personal account of how an ordinary person stumbled upon the unspoken truth and how it changed his life.
- Aliens Appear World-Wide in 1947
- Alien craft sightings began en masse 2 years after the end of World War Two. This was the beginning of the realization that extraterrestrial beings actually existed.
- Roswell Alien Crash
- Alien contact had begun! In one of the most astounding events in human history, alien bodies were recovered from a downed spacecraft.
- Alien Autopsy
- The Fox Network airs a film reportedly showing an actual alien autopsy. What really happened?
- Aliens At The White House
- Why were alien flying saucers hovering over the White House in full view of tens of thousands of people? Have you seen the photos?
- Aliens - Everybody Already Knows
- Every American President for the last 60 years has acknowledged the existence of extraterrestrial aliens and flying saucers.
- Intelligence Agency Alien Documents
- Intelligence agency documents show a 60 year history of aliens visiting planet Earth. The official documents are available to you here.
- Majestic-12 Group Alien Documents
- Amazing top secret U.S. documents detailing the existence of extraterrestrial beings is now available to the public
- Alien Government Projects
- How are secret government projects used to keep the public blind about the alien presence on Earth? The answers appear.
- Aliens And Area 51
- Dreamland is the code name for Area 51 a secret military base housing alien spacecreaft and maybe alien bodies.
- The Men In Black
- Men in Black appear on the doorsteps of ordinary citizens. Who sent them and why? Military sources confirm the existence of Men In Black
- NASA Alien Coverup
- NASA appears to be confused by many of the things they are seeing.They continue to hide evidence of alien beings
- Russian Alien Encounters
- Russian satellites have taken photos of alien flying saucers. this has been confirmed by KGB files
- The Astronauts and Aliens
- Russian and American scientists confirm the stories about the astronauts seing alien spacecraft
- The Astronaut's Statements
- U.S. astronauts often saw alien spacecraft during their flights to the moon. What else did they see?
- The Moon
- Strange things you should know about the moon indicate an alien presence
- Alien Face On Mars
- What aliens created the Face on Mars? Have you seen what else they left on Mars?
- Aliens and Satellites
- U.S. Satellites are taking photos of alien spacecraft in our atmosphere
- The Universe
- The universe is so large and strange, it's no wonder that alien existence is hard for some to believe.
- ten Sectrets of Alien Science
- They were shocked to find that non-human, intelligent beings exist in inner and outer space
- Cattle Mutilations
- Why are aliens picking up cattle and leaving mutilated carcasses. Why are Black Helicopters also in the area?
- Crop Circles
- Crop Circles have a strong magnetic field around them which is measurable. Many Crop Circles also exhibit patterns of radioactivity
- Different Types of Alien Beings
- What is preventing open human contact with space aliens? The answermay surprise you. Here is what you need to know..
- Alien Abductions
- Alien abductions are realand they are occurring worldwide. Alien technology goes beyond...
- Best cases of Alien Encounters
- Even celebrities have had encounters with alien beings. Here are some you may not know about.